Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I miss Mexican food already

So I've been down here a week or so, and life is pretty good. The sun is shining, women are scantily clad, birds are chirping and School's about to start. Oh how that last part would make me shudder in my youth, but I'm looking forward to it. I've got a couple of weeks to explore before it starts though. Auckland is a vibrant, fun town. The main artery of downtown is Queens Street, and it is packed with shops, cafes and a million other places to explore. I realize my inexperience with big cities is showing through here, but it is fun to be surrounded by 1000's of other people looking for a good time (and I don't mean it that way you pervs, or should I say, wankers). One thing though, are all big cities this dirty? From the looks of things, sidewalks here are constructed of cigarette butts and gum, and there are plenty of rats with feathers flying about, i.e. pidgeons. Oh, and I've come to the conclusion that maniac drivers exist everywhere. They also have kids here with car speakers that sound like, in Dave Barry's words, nuclear detonations going off in rythm. Hmmm, New Zealand is not so different in some ways, but let me list a few things I noticed that are:

1. Bacon is Ham, they just call it bacon. I'm a fairly healthy eater, but dammit, Ham is not bacon.
2. Bowling in New Zealand consists of old farts rolling around wood balls on astroturf.
3. y'know how people drive on the left side of the road here? Well it translates to walking as well. I never realized it, but when you are on a collision course with another pedestrian in New Zealand, their first instinct is to merge left, the same as we americans merge right. I've nearly ran straight into a number of folks. Sidewalk chicken requires much more evasive action here. Good thing I've got spin moves.
4. The sports section in the newspaper consists of rugby, cricket and horse racing. No big suprise there, but they also love Sailing in Auckland. It's a BIG deal, something I have never experienced.
5. Speaking of Newspapers, their newspapers here are not standard size, they are huge. This makes them difficult to read.

Anyway, I gotta go, but there'll be more. Thanks guys!


Victoria said...

Scantally clad women??? I thought I was the only woman in your eyes?? Hee Hee...
I'm glad you FINALLY got this up and running. Can't wait to read more.

Devon said...

ake..I am so glad you are having a good time. I didn't like their food for some reason....not just the ham/bacon mix up, although that is such a bummer. things just taste a little different. rugby is awesome over there...much better than our football. Doug has some family down there....great kids. Let me know if you would like me to get in touch with them. they might be able to show you some of NZ family life. Whatever. I hope you have a great time....i love hearing from you. here is something for you first. see how many times you hear the term "I can't be bothered with that".....we were amazed by it.
take care.

Unknown said...

First off I'd like to say "fuck you and your sunshine!"

So with all the sailing a whatnot over there have you noticed any crew type boats there?

Good job posting pictures you wanker.

Ma & Pa said...

Hi Jake,
I can't say I've ever seen headstand airport entertainment before. Did you have a captive audience before they hauled you off?
We've been enjoying your news and photos. Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Kucinich and get a cabinet level department of peace!!


Anonymous said...

G made me say the line about tender slack