Monday, August 11, 2008

Bear Necessities

I thought I'd take a little time to talk about the aforementioned bear take out menu. The first day in Yosemite for Inga, Kristin and myself was largely devoid of climbing. We spent most of the day scrambling around on the Talus all dehydrated and looking for some 5.5 pinnacle that we never found. Can you believe I'm headed back? Yes the rock at Yosemite is that good Anyways, earlier that day when we were setting up at Camp 4, we had, as the ranger told us, dutifully removed all food related objects from my parent's station wagon...or so we thought. A few days prior, one of my coolest relatives had given me some soft, sweet smelling cranberry quickbread that I stowed in my day pack for a special occasion. Turns out the special occasion was for the bear, who we think sniffed the orange juice spilled on the car door and thought," Oooooh I think I'll see what behind door number 2!" The broken window only ended up costing about 50$, and you actually can get a fine if you leave food in your car. So the lesson is just don't leave food in your car, ever.

The scene of the crime. We were parked between this car that was completely covered in tiles on the left and another one with more stickers than I've ever seen. An alternate theory as to why the bear chose our car was that it looked "normal."

Actual bear print. Radiocarbon dating and DNA evidence place the burglar in the Camp 4 region.

I just had to get the girls to pose with their thumbs up for this ubiquitous sign.

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