Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Grown up Calvin

I try not to pontificate too much, but I thought this was pretty cool. Childhood is seldom the idylic time it is often portrayed as. There are, however, lessons learned during that time one should never forget. This is one of them.

Bill Watterson, the creator of Calvin and Hobbes, never licensed any of his material. He claimed it would cheapen his work and reduce the potency of their characters. That's why we never saw Calvin or Hobbes dolls and mugs when the comic strip was popular. Those "Calvin pissing" stickers we see on the backs of trucks in the U.S. are unliscensed and illegal. The image above was not drawn by Watterson, and though he might disapprove, I always imagined (and/or hoped) this is how Calvin would turn out.

*end rant* next up: the usual

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