Saturday, May 26, 2007

A quick Fantail picture

A picture of a Fantail from my last trip. These little guys are the flycatchers of NZ, and their tail darts here and there every few milliseconds it seems. They'll come within inches of you at times to catch insects, or just scope out the scene.
Not much else is happening, one more week of classes and then 3 weeks of finals. I went out and ate some mussels for the first time in my life. They were pretty good, and supposedly you have to have them while in New Zealand. I'll pass on the Urchin Roe though, I've seen enough of those things in lab. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Long tail! You wouldn't think it'd be that manuverable.

Anonymous said...

Dude! How's it going?! You should put up some new pics!! Like some rock climbing ones of you sending a route at your local columns crag. I think I am pretty envious of that place. Green grass and all. How tall is it? How sweet are the routes? How happy are your finger tips??? This keyboardin', chair sittin', brain fryin' dude wants to know!

Jake said...

So I'll take a wild guess and say that this is Richard, though, I know a lot of people who's name's start with "if only spinach...". Dude!!! Got spanked on a 19 trad lead at the "long side" yesterday. Was a tough lead with a lot of micro-pro. There are a lot of cool climbs, and some REALLY hard ones to boot. The routes go up to 50 feet or so I would guess. But, the columns in Eugene is a better place to learn gear. Placements are tough here. Speaking of brain fryin', I should get back to doing just that for my next final. I'm guessing you're doing the same. Good luck braw! Get some sweet sending done after your finals man. Ciao.