Monday, July 23, 2007

The Map

For anyone who is interested, here is the route we took around the South island (highlighted in pink). It felt like a lot of driving and this really sends it home. Ok, back to Biomechanics.


Anonymous said...

Victoria!!! (and Jake, though we haven't met yet, but hopefully will someday when victoria comes on through. but hi, i'm Jessica a friend of hers from tech school. nice to meet you)

Victoria!! It looks like you're having severe wonderous adventures. I was oblivious that this was going on but am very happy you are. Be curious and safe. I miss you and hope to see you soon. I'm gonna send you pics of marie's wedding if she didn't already. it was gorgeous!

Colleen said...

Heyo Jake! Ian and Colleen here. Love the blog, you have got some sweet photos! The bouldering with the mountains in the background looks just like Bishop. News from out here is that Living in Bend kicks ass and Colleen and I are now Engaged! Whoa! Yea, so when are you back from the suvern hemisfear?