Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Road weary, smelly, and a grin from ear to ear

Hey y'all,

Victoria and I are back in Christchurch and we fly back to Aukland tomorrow. The south island, in 25 words or less, completely ROCKS. I'll post a real blog entry when I get back to Auckland, complete with a selection of the 500 or more pictures I took (Victoria took over 700). We didn't get to do half of what we wanted, there was only about a 1/2 day of climbing, and it was WAY too cold to do any camping. It was an incredible 10 days or so. Our wicked camper got us around just dandy, but man are we ready for some showers and a real bed for a change. There'll be more later...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are anticipating many photos of your South Island tour:} Take a bath, will ya?